I can't believe she is finally here! What a blessing to our family. I was in denial for so long . . not anymore . . . I love her so much. She is a gift!
Delivery went smooth. On New Years Eve I was having contractions but they were not consistent. Didn't think much of it and decided to go to my Mom's for dinner. Still having contractions but still not consistent. My sister finally urged me to go the Hospital . . .I was very apprehensive because I thought they would send me home . . . good thing I went. I got to the St. Rose Sienna at about 10:15pm they hooked me up to a monitor and from that point on contractions were 3 and 5 minutes apart. The Dr. came in to give the epidural wearing a Utah Utes hospital cap that sparked sports conversation between Jeff and the Dr. I finally had to tell Jeff to stop talking to him until he gave me the epidural. Meanwhile the nurse came in and told me that my OB Dr. would not be coming in he was at a party. That immediately started the tear flow from my eyes I was going to have a stranger deliver my baby. I got my epidural @ 12:15am AHH relief! (Jeff gave me a new years kiss in between contractions). I was able to rest for about 45 minutes when my membrane broke. The nurses came in and checked me left the room turned off the light and told me to rest and call when my water broke. 1:45 am water broke nurses came in I was a 10 and ready to push! No Dr. my body started to shake uncontrollably (never happened before with the others) and pain was felt the epidural booster pump was not working. The Dr. came in and gave me a little more medicine. 2:15 no Dr. still shaking and told everyone I needed to push. They told me to hold on and I did . . . I was gripping the side of the hospital bed with all of my might. Dr. shows up .. . . she was young but extremely nice. I started the pushing and with four pushes 2:35 am Baby girl Judd arrived into this world. The tears were turned on again as I held this beautiful little girl in my arms I knew right then that she was meant to be a part of our family. I love her so much! She is doing well. She weighed 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 20 inches long. Parker, Preston, and Kennedy all adore her and cannot get enough of her. Jeff is so sweet to her. I love him and all of my children so very much and would not trade being a Mom for anything in this world!